Sunday, April 15, 2007

Celebrate Yourself

Today is YOUR day, it's the day that you are going to look and FEEL beautiful!!
You are greatness, you bring so many things to this world, first off your smile.
You empower ME, everytime I see a womyn take charge of a situation, every time I see a single mom, making it on her own, ever time I see a womyn pick herself up after being beat down, everytime you wipe your own tears.
All of us have something special inside that we can give to the world, some people have the same gifts of others, some feel like they have no gifts at all, but my sisters in life, you do, all you need is the gift of courage from another Womyn, and confidence from another, and the next thing you know you wil be displaying your gift, and sharing it in NO time!

Don't fight compete against each other, put each other down, lets share our gifts with each other, and dig deep within ourselves to find out what truly is our gift. What goddess are you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do my best to compliment everyone i come accross in my day at least once.. with out any other motive but to pass along a smile... smiles are contagous..