Monday, April 16, 2007

Being a goddess in the rain

I woke up this morning, and the first thing I thought was, WOW I ASM TIRED, the second thing was how in the flying freak, am I going to keep my hair straight for work. Sometimes as goddesses we have to take charge of our own situation so I will very calmly address this one, by wearing a hood over my head. Done and Done, first crisis of the day SOLVED.
Second task of the day I WAKE SELF UP, I think after I write this blog entry that I will crank some tunes, dance around while I get ready. To ensure self is wide away I will have one cup of coffee, perferably half decafe!!!! (health has got to be included in the decisions) at times.

Empowerment exercise:
What was the easiest decision that you made this morning? (let us know in your comments)


Anonymous said...

To hit snooz until the last minute and be content with a can of soup for lunch in result to trading a well made lunch for well needed sleep

Anonymous said...

to hit snooze until i jsut had 10 minutes to shower and then make my sister stop at mcdonalds to get breakfast on my way to my exam