Thursday, April 19, 2007

Caffeined UP Goddess

Seriously Lay-dee's today is going to be requiring ALOT and I mean ALOT of caffeine, I am awake supoose to be at work in an hour and a half, and I am feeling like I ot ran over by a reingndeer. T-I-R-E-D

When we are children we are taught to look both way when we cross the street, so without question we just do! We live our life, and hopefully we don't get hit by any cars (knock on wood). This goes to show for real life as well, emotionally if we are always aware of our emotional and intellectuaul well being, we then won't get hit by any(as much) life cars.

Take a moment to tune in to your surrounds at this second, allow yourself even for a second to just exist with in you surrounds, NOT contol it and watch.

For exampl for those we are shakign their heads, thinking, seriously WHAT AREA YOU TALKING ABOUT!

Picture a movie a the lead character is in a crowded coffee shop with her partner and they have this huge (totally uncalled for ) blow out. IN the movie your eyes are stuck on the two having the argument. Well Take those two people out of the movie, and perhaps you will see, the new born baby in it's mom's arms at table two. Perhaps you will notice the lady with tears running down her face, standing at the cashier counter, perhaps you will notice that someone is counting change to just to pay for there meal. Perhaps.

Today I will take myself out, and watch.

Love from laughter


Anonymous said...

Everyday we should take a moment to remove our selves and just watch.. we miss so much when we don't and it is good for ones own peace of mind to just remove themselves from the rush of it.... in those moment is often when i find myself inspired by an action that provoked a way of thinking i would have missed if not removed...

Anonymous said...

I tend to take myself out of my surrounding a lot, on purpose, I have a reason. I find the only true way to find out what someone is like is to watch them. The only real way to understand someone or for that fact to get to know them is to watch them, to see how they interact with others, their existing friends, what they say, what they do. Most of the time when you are around people (meaning new people), they put up a front, they act how they think they should in that situation. When people don’t know that you are observing, they let their guards down and act like themselves and in those situations their true colors shine through, and in that moment you know what they’re really about and who they are.