Sunday, March 1, 2009

Holding you close to me.

Yesterday I picked up my old and first guitar and played a few notes of a song that I had written about 7 to 8 years ago. My heart was immediatly flooded, with feelings. The feelings behind why the song was written.

It is then that I realized the thing that holds people dear and close to us.. these things are memories.

Today I find myself drifting off, and reliving my life, reliving these moments, I find it in me to smile, some memories weigh heavy on my heart and temporary bring saddness. Playing through my mind like a favorite movie, enjoying it all, never anticipating the end. Slowly savoring every heart felt moment.

Some memories are a little less then happy, but it is within those very precious minutes in time, that lessons were given to me as gifts.

Today I will remember you, feeling every word, like a line of poetry from a well worn book.

What do you like to remember?

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