Thursday, January 29, 2009

An abstract painting that no one needs to understand but the artist.

There are so many different types of eating disorders in this world, so many young girls who put so much stress on their minds and bodies, to try to look like someone else's idea of beauty.
Statistics say that 150 000 women die every year from eating disorders, even more then that are diagnosed with bi polar, and other stress related illnesses.
Are you Comfortable looking at yourself in the mirror naked?

Think about that for moment!

If you are not comfortable looking at yourself in the mirror naked, think about what body parts that you wish that you can change. Now take those body parts, and ask yourself, how did I develop this insecurity.

In most cases, people have developed these insecurities cause they are comparing themselves to other people. Or perhaps someone during your life, someone you have cared about has made comments.

I am here to tell you, that YOU are a beautiful Goddess, a powerful woman. An elegant, sexy, cute, attractive, woman. Who compliments her features naturally whenever she smiles.
If you ever find yourself, looking at a magazine and saying I want to look like her, you need to stop hurting yourself and THROW IT OUT.. Take out a picture of yourself, and look at it, and realize how amazing, you look in that picture, because I do that for all of you!

You look your best, when I see confidence shining from the centre of your eyes!

What do you like about yourself?

love and laughter
x and o

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A tired Mind!

Everyone gets tired....
I knew that today was coming, I felt it yesterday...
Today I felt dishonest in a glance, in an instant, gained a conviction that lasted til the moment of documentation.
A house burns, there is nothing I can do to help, in this moment.
Eyes that have seen the unexplained (to me anyway), a mind that does not digest this well.
A knowing of Truth, a realization of distance, both geographical and of the heart.
But still, a glimmer of hope for mankind, a belief in the power of forgiveness, a heart that still loves, a mind that is still willing to embrace and understand. A world were there is as much beauty as there is pain, a rainy day that is still recieved as a gift, as a day that he has made.
"As long as there is life......there is hope"

X and O

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Diving into a pool of pleasure

Lose yourself, over and over again, until the only thing left is yourself.

The unseen crazyness of music, numerous instruments playing, softening, increasing in tempo, tone and volume. Sustaining the frequency in my mind that equalizes absolutely everything, until I am in the blissful state of total oneness in a cavern that is crowded like the sky.
If taken and held in hand, I would melt, heart first.

How does your pleasure in life, make you feel?

Life is such a beautiful thing!!!!

Love and laughter


Friday, January 23, 2009

Harmonic Melodies

You speak, your words are different. Your life another beautiful song, that sounds familiar, yet I have never heard it before. I have forgotten to listen, and have miss some of the most beautiful songs in my life.
We know only what we tell each other, about ourselves. The truth lies somewhere in between. Nothing is a lie. Words are only real for a moment, a brief moment. Feels are truth forever. Smile can be both a lie and a truth, but both bring beauty. Tears, an act of happiness, AND saddness. Both a blessed feeling. A hug, a joining of not only two bodies, but two life forces. A harmony and a melody, a beautiful song.. A friendship.

Today I will hear nothing but music! What music have you heard today.

Love and laughter


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The lion and the lamb

To face your inner demons, and shortcomings head on to overturn them, is nothing less then a heroic act of courage.
To be able to take the dark side of your mind and filter it through the brighter sections is true balance.
To realize that reality is nothing but a series of thoughts and experiences in our minds, therefore eliminating reality altogether only gives us perception (but by realizing this will bring you the closest that you can ever actaully come to "reality")
To be kind, will only bring you happiness.
Happiness stems from pleasures.
.....and then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them, and saves them from death.... some never awake..