Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Weak Goddess

Every once and awhile, a goddess feels weak and has to recharge herself. How do you protect yourself while you recharge.. stay tuned for self discovery!!

Love from Laughter


Friday, April 20, 2007

The Mother Goddess

Her reflexes are quick, she is both the strictest womyn I have ever meet and the gentlest all rolled into one. She is strong enough to wipe your tears, and loves you enough that she cries when you walk to the first time to school alone.
She has made sacrifices for you, she has gone without so you could go with, she has taught you most of what you believe in.
She cries. Both for your happiness and when you feel like the world is against you.
Her arms are strong, they protect you from all harm, her eyes are familiar and make you feel face.
She has powers beyoung belief, without even a choice we love her, we love her without condition. She is one of the greatest people that we will ever have in our lives.

xox to all

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Caffeined UP Goddess

Seriously Lay-dee's today is going to be requiring ALOT and I mean ALOT of caffeine, I am awake supoose to be at work in an hour and a half, and I am feeling like I ot ran over by a reingndeer. T-I-R-E-D

When we are children we are taught to look both way when we cross the street, so without question we just do! We live our life, and hopefully we don't get hit by any cars (knock on wood). This goes to show for real life as well, emotionally if we are always aware of our emotional and intellectuaul well being, we then won't get hit by any(as much) life cars.

Take a moment to tune in to your surrounds at this second, allow yourself even for a second to just exist with in you surrounds, NOT contol it and watch.

For exampl for those we are shakign their heads, thinking, seriously WHAT AREA YOU TALKING ABOUT!

Picture a movie a the lead character is in a crowded coffee shop with her partner and they have this huge (totally uncalled for ) blow out. IN the movie your eyes are stuck on the two having the argument. Well Take those two people out of the movie, and perhaps you will see, the new born baby in it's mom's arms at table two. Perhaps you will notice the lady with tears running down her face, standing at the cashier counter, perhaps you will notice that someone is counting change to just to pay for there meal. Perhaps.

Today I will take myself out, and watch.

Love from laughter

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

PEOPLE ~ lifes greatest pleasure

So basically............ Live and Let live, fairly take and fairly give.....

...Everytime someone tells me how much I mean to them, or how they hold me in there heart and eyes, I melt alittle more... What Goddess isn't touched by adoration.

Today, my sisters, tell a fellow goddess how utterly Fantatic they are!! It is isnt' always about taking positive strokes (compliments) it is about giving them as well.

...fairly take, and fairly give...

P.S Today I may not look at you, and you may not look like me, and we may dress different. But DAMN we all look good! Especially YOU (points at reader)!

Tired Goddess

Holy GOOD GAWD I am tired, no seroiusly I am very tired, My friend is sitting here talking to me, and I feel pretty much like drifting off to sleep. So this is me using my goddess powers to stay awake, however it does seem to appear as if I am writting in my journal at the same time.

So how can we exercise our powers today? Today I am going to spread confidence to at least 21 other people, and hopefully give them that power that they did to BE empowerent to be successful at thier job.

P.S Amy thinking of you and your exams.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Being a goddess in the rain

I woke up this morning, and the first thing I thought was, WOW I ASM TIRED, the second thing was how in the flying freak, am I going to keep my hair straight for work. Sometimes as goddesses we have to take charge of our own situation so I will very calmly address this one, by wearing a hood over my head. Done and Done, first crisis of the day SOLVED.
Second task of the day I WAKE SELF UP, I think after I write this blog entry that I will crank some tunes, dance around while I get ready. To ensure self is wide away I will have one cup of coffee, perferably half decafe!!!! (health has got to be included in the decisions) at times.

Empowerment exercise:
What was the easiest decision that you made this morning? (let us know in your comments)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Celebrate Yourself

Today is YOUR day, it's the day that you are going to look and FEEL beautiful!!
You are greatness, you bring so many things to this world, first off your smile.
You empower ME, everytime I see a womyn take charge of a situation, every time I see a single mom, making it on her own, ever time I see a womyn pick herself up after being beat down, everytime you wipe your own tears.
All of us have something special inside that we can give to the world, some people have the same gifts of others, some feel like they have no gifts at all, but my sisters in life, you do, all you need is the gift of courage from another Womyn, and confidence from another, and the next thing you know you wil be displaying your gift, and sharing it in NO time!

Don't fight compete against each other, put each other down, lets share our gifts with each other, and dig deep within ourselves to find out what truly is our gift. What goddess are you?